The American population has to be more aware of circumstances such as these. Parents and guardians need more support from the outside public when dealing with children with certain disabilities. All of this is new information to many people, which is why more research needs to be done in order to find a preventive cure for it. In my opinion, autistic children are not violent. Working with children with such disabilities, it has taught me that children like this need more guidance, patience, and understanding from everyone around them.
I believe any child needs guidance, patience, and understanding but when you have a child with special needs not only do they need the guidance and patience they need it a thousand times extra. I think sometimes parents of autistic children can forget that and get easily frustrated. That is absolutely crazy if they charge the autistic boy in court as they would a mentally stable person.
ReplyDeleteThis is a horrific injustice. This child cannot comprehend the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, perhaps not even up and down. Autistic children are so vastly different from the rest of us...to convict him of this crime...says what about the rest of us!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is dangerous. Whether he understand that or not, he needs to be put away. So often, parents of handicapped children live outside the real world. If someone is a danger especially if they can't help thenselves, they need to be locked up.
ReplyDeleteWow Saymy, as a mother of an autistic child, your answer horrifies me to think people think like you. He does not need to be locked away, what he needs is help. I think he needed to be in some type of home, or hospital where he would be in a safe enviroment and get the help he needs. I know personally I always want my son to live with me, but I will do what it is best for him, even if that means he is to live elsewhere. If my son were ever to become violent, I would have to find other living arrangements for him, but never would I lock him away as you would a rabid dog. No matter what, our special needs children are human and deserve the very best as everyone does. This isn't our grandparents days when they use to put "strange" old uncle Herb in an institution, or keep them locked in a room. we are to be more education and not so ignorant. I do not live outside the real world, believe me I am very aware of what is going on. It's you who has tunnel vision and not seeing all sides. If my child were to become a danger to anyone, I will deal with it accordingly. I don't know the background of this story, whether the boy had shown tendencies toward violence in the past or not. Do you know? I don't think we can judge on an incident we don't have all the facts about. I do wonder what you base your comments on. You talk as if the boy is an animal. The world needs to be better educated on what's happening. As for the author's comment on autistic people not being violent, you can't put them all in one group. Everyone is different and I have met some violent children & adults, both autistic and "normal". Whatever normal is....
ReplyDeleteAny 18 year old whether they are autistic or neurotypical should know right from wrong. This boy committed a heinous crime against his own mother and deserves to recieve the same punishment that a neurotypical murderer would recieve. To say that he should recieve a less severe punishment than a neurotypical murderer is absolutely absurd. It is offensive to both neurotypical people and autistic people in a discriminatory way. It is offensive to neurotypical people because it is essentially claiming that autistic murderers should recieve less severe punishments than neurotypical murderers and many neurotypical people may find this unfair and it is offensive to autistic people because it sterotypes autistic people as psychopaths with no sense of morality. It does not matter whether this boy is autistic or neurotypical what matters is that he is a murderer! All murderers deserve to be punished! It is not normal for anyone to murder their own mother whether they are autistic or neurotypical.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I am sorry if anyone is offended by this comment but I am an 18 year old autistic boy myself.
wow.. if this is true that you are a 18 yrs old autistic boy yourself then how come you write so well and know what to say... that is impossible to comphrend! I think you are more of an offended person trying to make people fall for what you believe.
ReplyDeleteI Have a six year old autistic son and his violance has been steadily incresing it started at 2 headbutting walls and the floor than me and his mom when holding him at 4 he cut the tails off our pet rats (i know its a wird pet ) than at 5 he started hitting and scratching me and his mom and biting his brother in the last coupple of weeks hes been sayin things like I hate people and I kill you and yestarday he asked his mom if he could cut me with the sissiors im scared something like this is gonna happen by the time he becomes a teen ager if any one can help or direct me were to go from here I would be very greatfull quadzillakilla@gmail.com thanx
ReplyDelete@Jmhd how can you say that? just because your autistic (which I dont beleave) and you know the differance between right and wrong dosnt mean all autstic people do this condition has a very wide range of how it effects people and anyone with any type of mental codition should not be punished the same way a typical person would I know alot of people use reason of insanity to try to reduce there punishment (which is bunk) but that not the case here this kid has a real probleam and needs help not a life in prison
ReplyDeleteJMDH. If he's high functioning, like me, agreed. But lower functioning autistic people do not understand things like Neurotypicals and higher functioning autistic people do.