The piece I saw in utube today showed the rapid grow of the Internet and technology in general. It talked of how fast technology is going and how many people are depending on it for their everyday life. So, are we xenophobic? I would say I am. On the other hand, for young people they grew up with it. Talking to my daughter the other day about the topic she goes, "well mommy I would be lost without my computer, I grew up with it" and she is right. I used computers because I have to, in today's world everything is on line, it facilitate people's life, but before we used to go about without some much technology and we did just fine.
Technology is growing a fast rate and its scary, whenever something comes up, a year later is old and outdated. Just going through my things the other day I found my old Polaroid camera and I was "omg" I used to love it, I would hate to get rid of it, digital camera the size of deck of cards is what is in now, so I still learning how some things work when already something new is out, "all of this is too fast for me"
The short video relates to the readings because it has evolucionated the same way as the radio did. When the radio came out there were not regulations from the government, so was the Internet, but copyrights and restrictions have made difficult for people to have access to every sites there are.
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